After writing yesterday’s blog, I pondered further if there might be yet another factor that causes some individuals to appear lazy rather than proactive. Could it be that some outwardly ‘lazy people’ are simply fatalistic?
Many people believe that thoughts turn into actions and actions turn into consequences. Compare this with the attitude that everything is someone else’s fault. I am referring to people who espouse the premise that they have no control over their actions – they claim “the devil made me do it.” I have read of theories that take this concept to the extreme, purporting that everything is the result of nature and that all of history is nothing more than the roll of the dice cemented for all time at the creation of the universe.
I believe humans do have a will that molds the future. They can influence what happens. Their influence is merely limited by their prayers and ambitions.
Consider for a moment individuals who gamble. Do they do it because they are mathematically challenged? Or do they gamble dreaming that fate will suddenly come their way!? Obviously, they are not thinking straight. Whatever motivated them to throw away their money on a false hope of gain can instead motivate them to work productively. If these people would stop dreaming and take the initiative to be proactive, problems would get resolved sooner.
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