Saturday, October 12, 2013

Belligerent Bully

"My way or the highway!"

I drove to Mount Rushmore yesterday and found the entrance blocked.
But in case any WWII vets showed up, two guys were standing guard to stop them from just moving the barricades like they did in Washington, DC.

It doesn't pass financial muster. For at least 400 National Parks, the Federal Government loses a revenue stream they normally receive from the park being open. It is actually costlier to close the park. Thus, it not for a lack of money the park is closed.

Where does the motivation come from to close the park? It comes from a page straight out of the play book of oppressive dictators - punish your opponents. Teach them a lesson they won't forget; make an example for anyone inclined to reel in a government that increasingly spends more money than it has.

Hmmm... What may have Obama learned from the Syrian dictator? Granted, closing a national park cannot be compared to the killing innocent women and children as a means to curb dissent. But the park closing methodology is the same - aggressively punish those that disagree with you rather than finding a way to address their concerns.

But wait! Obama has threatened the life of innocent persons... The road shoulder near Mount Rushmore as been barricaded anywhere someone might pull over to snap a picture of the presidents at a distance.
If someone has the misfortune of a flat tire, they are forced to change it in the middle of the highway - how dangerous is that!

Obama has indicated that if Congress does not raise the debt ceiling, the nation will default on their debt with dire consequences. That is not reasonable. The interest of the debt is only a portion of the budget, and much less than the Federal Government's revenue. The only way the government would default on the debt is if they paid that bill last. It would simply be another punitive response; political blackmail.

Sounds like childhood bullying to me.

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