Is your password 1-2-3-4-5-6?
Or is it just password, or the longer 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8? How about q-w-e-r-t-y, or a-b-c-1-2-3?
Believe or not, all of the above are popular passwords! This came to light recently when a popular website was hacked and user’s passwords were published. More than 2% of the public used ‘123456’ as their password. Something is wrong! Furthermore, one in three people use the same password for everything.
What is to be learned from this?
First, recognize that websites are not perfect and your password will likely be compromised. If you use the same password for everything, then when any one account is breached, at that point all of your accounts are compromised.
Second, recognize that simple passwords can be guessed. Note too that if you honestly answer the security question (which many accounts require, such as your mother’s maiden name), someone else who knows a little bit about you can get your password reset to something they choose or are told.
If you use the same password for everything, please make a point to change your practice. If any of your passwords are in the dictionary, change them to a mnemonic that includes numbers, symbols, and a mix of upper and lowercase letters – better yet, add a space. If you have to supply an answer to a security question, answer it with nonsense (such as favorite color is '13 hurricane'). But then remember that nonsensical answer in case you need to legitamately answer it.
FYI, more passwords have been recently compromised...
Click here for the NY Times article
Actually, if your password is short, is doesn't have to be compromised... $1.50 will crack it.
Click here for the Reuters article
And another 10 million passwords are compromised...
Click here for the ZDnet article
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