Monday, February 28, 2011


Although no one can predict the future, it will come.

But you might never know it by the way people act. Everywhere we turn, it seems like folks have refused to face tomorrow. For example…

I got a call from a friend who simply could not get some new software to run on his new laptop. The software claimed to be compatible with Windows 7 – but it was not. In fact, it violated several computing standards that are now 10 years old, and thus was not even fully compatible with Windows XP!

I made mention of this to another friend, and he commented that he uses mission critical software at work which claims to be Windows XP compatible only. When he asked the manufacturer when they would update their software to be Windows 7 compatible, they told him that may never happen. They were frozen in yesteryear.

So what are these software manufacturers thinking? If they are unwilling to make their software run under any version of Windows that can be purchased today, then why don’t they just close their doors and go home? Do they think people own Windows XP computers that will never wear out and quit? And that their users will be content forever to turn a blind eye to the security risks that are inherent in older versions of Windows?

I guess it shouldn’t surprise me. Even our government thinks they can borrow money like there is no tomorrow! Come to think of it, tomorrow never comes. So what was I thinking? Forget tomorrow, I am going to cash in my IRA today.

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