Sunday, April 1, 2012


There are early risers. And then there's the rest of us.

Every spring, I think it is time that 'the rest of us' do something about Daylight Savings Time. It just isn’t fair…

So I suggest that we band together and protest. We have been doing this 'saving of daylight' every year for as long as I can remember. Don’t we have enough saved up by now? Why does any more daylight need to be saved?

I think next Spring we should set our clocks back an hour, rather than ahead. It's only fair.

Actually, the more I think about it, the fact that we have been stockpiling daylight for decades means there must be a glut of it somewhere. A glut that should be returned back to its rightful owners -- us!

Here's my suggesting for restoring fairness and putting to good use all that daylight that has been 'saved' over the years: We give up 30 minutes of daylight every day. The process should start on Saturday, so we gain a half hour that morning. Then on Sunday we give up an additional half hour. By Monday, we could sleep in a hour and a half before reporting to work! Then on Friday, to get back in sync with the rotation of the earth, at 11AM we could reset the time on our clocks, allowing it to jump from 11AM to 2:30PM. That way, we would not have to wait so long for the weekend. Some people could take issue with loosing the lunch hour on Friday, but that would be beneficial to those trying to lose weight – we’d actually kill two birds with one stone.

If you are not an early riser, please join the cause and promote fairness today, April 1st.

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