Proof that the government is spying on all its citizens has
finally made the headlines. This activity has been surmised for quite some time; it
was self-evident by NSA's construction of a huge $2,000,000,000.00 data center in Bluffdale,
Utah. The humongous size of that facility cannot be explained except
for the storage demands domestic spying requires.
The information leak making headlines was a subpoena for all Verizon customer
phone records. But rest assured Verizon is not the only telecom served with
this type of subpoena – they all have been. In fact, Apple was taken to task
some time ago because the data it provided did not positively identify the
person associated with the data. The bottom line is that all our phone calls,
text messages, emails, and web browsing is being stored by the government. But
the extent of this surveillance is undisclosed because the action is kept
secret by court gag orders.
I read posts on the Internet from people who are
not concerned. Their take on the matter is that they have nothing to hide, so
this ‘big brother’ activity does not alarm them in the least.
The people who are not concerned by this are lacking common
sense. If the IRS is exercising widespread viewpoint discrimination in the
application of their policies, what makes anyone think other areas of
government are not doing the same? If persons in the military are now having
their careers curtailed because they post on a blog that they perceive children
do better with both a mom and a dad, what makes anyone think that the
expression of any viewpoint will be free of punitive action by a person in
power that disagrees?
Let’s face it. Catholics are taking a beating from the
government because certain provisions of ObamaCare violate their longstanding
sincerely held religious beliefs. Rest assured that their communications on
that issue are being scrutinized by the government. They are given the same level of attention as any "domestic terrorist" – a term that has been used to characterize them.
I am not a Catholic. So none of this should trouble me in
the least. WRONG! Catholicism has been a major world religion for some time. If
they are being targeted by the government for their popular longstanding
viewpoints, any viewpoint is now a candidate for harassment by the heavy hand
of government. One would think that Catholics have ‘nothing to hide’ and
therefore should have no concerns that ‘big brother’ is watching. But that
simply is not the case anymore, as indicated by leaks of what is really going on in
various government agencies.
When you express any opinion that goes counter to that of
someone in a position of power, unless you do it in person privately (and they
do not share it), chances are good that person in power will
discover it and use the full power of their governmental agency to make your
life miserable.
So, what we suspected for some time is now documented: Our
cherished “Freedom of Speech” has been extinguished at the NSA facility in
Bluffdale, Utah. And the IRS will make you pay.
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