Saturday, January 22, 2011


3-D TV and movies are supposed to be the next big craze. Manufacturers are pouring zillions of dollars into development.

However, there is a fly in the ointment. The public is not overly enthused about 3-D TV, and for many it is a headache. Literally.

There are several approaches for achieving the 3-D experience. One uses colored glasses. Another uses polarized lenses. And yet another scheme uses shuttered glasses.

But to determine depth and distance, the eye processes more aspects than just two images shot at slightly different angles. The eye changes focus for items at differing distances. And you become increasingly cross-eyed the closer things get.

Because of the above, the mind ends up receiving conflicting information when watching a 3-D movie, which by necessity is displayed at a fixed distance. Consequently, about 1 in 4 people get a headache and/or experience dizziness when watching 3-D.

Because your mind gets brainwashed adapting to the fake 3-D experience, you can also lose your sense of balance after watching a 3-D movie. You might need to have a ‘designated driver’ to take you home from the theater!

Consequently, I am not waiting anxiously for 3-D. I have enough headaches already…

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